Government of India Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP) Department of Health & Family Welfare
Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP) - Government of India
Novel Corona Virus Helpline number 011-23978046 Information Technology Laboratory Human Resource & Training Media Scanning And Verification Outbreaks Data Management Budget & Finance Resources

Year 2011 to 2015




Jan, 2011

Since, Jan 2011, only portal data are being monitored and used for outcome indicators and for sending feedback report to SSU/DSU

Feb, 2011

The restructuring and extension of the IDSP for 2010-11 & 2011-12 was approved by Expenditure Finance Committee (EFC) on 28th February 2011.

May, 2011

Block level data entry module in portal developed and piloted in 2 blocks of Gujarat; Choyrashi (Surat) & Babna (Amreli).

Sept, 2011

Data entry at block level started in Chhattisgarh.

Sept, 2011

Recruited additional contractual manpower in CSU of IDSP for the speedy progress of the project.

Feb.- March, 2012

Joint Implementation Review (JIR) of the Integrated Disease Surveillance Project (IDSP) was conducted by the World Bank with technical support from the World Health Organization (WHO) during February 20 – March 16, 2012.

Oct,. 2012

Continuation of the IDS Project as Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP) as a central scheme during 12th Plan Period (2012-17) was approved by Empowered Programme Committee (EPC) of NRHM on 04.10.2012.

Jan., 2013

Continuation of Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP) was approved by Mission Steering Group (MSG) of NRHM and HFM on 04.01.2013 with an outlay of Rs 640 Crore for all States/UTs in 12th Plan Period under NRHM.

Aug., 2013

Strategic workshop on Disease Surveillance: A two day workshop was held on 8th & 9th August, 2013, Delhi, with the objective to develop a road map for strengthening IDSP implementation in 12th Plan Period and identifying the role to be played by public health institutes/Medical Colleges in disease surveillance.


The Strategic Health Operations Centre (SHOC) is established under IDSP to strengthen the outbreak detection and response capacities of the states and districts by utilizing state-of-the-art information technology.


National Review Workshop held from 26th to 28th November 2014, at NCDC, Delhi and 14th -16th May 2015 & JMM in Nov – Dec 2015.

26th Feb 2015 - 13th Apr 2015

SHOC activated for Influenza A H1N1 outbreak

25th May - 3rd July 2015

SHOC activated for AES Outbreak


Block level data entry in phased manner in the country.


Offline data entry at IDSP portal in phased manner in the country.


May 2015

IDSP National Review Meeting held at Hyderabad, Telangana.

11th Aug - 30th Oct 2015

SHOC activated for Influenza A H1N1 outbreak and Flood situation