- Policy paper and strategic plan IHIP
[1701 KB]
- List of Selected Candidates for the Walk-in Interview held on 10th and 11th May 2023
[55 KB]
- Walk-in-interview for the selection various posts on Contractual Basis on 10th and 11th May 2023
- Operational Guidelines for Metropolitan Surveillance Units (MSUs)
[725 KB]
- Advisory on HFMD (Tomato Flu)
[377 KB]
- Interim Advisory for IDSP SSUs in view of Monkeypox cases reported from a few Countries
[24 KB]
- Monkey Pox Sample and Diagnostic
[290 KB]
- Fever with Rash - Case Information Form
[325 KB]
- Manuals & Guidelines
- Reporting Formats
- Checklist for Action to be taken on Disease Outbreaks
[223 KB]
- DO Letters for Establishment of State and District Surveillance Committees with ANNEXURES
[1996 KB]
- Approved TORs of IDSP Staff at SSU and DSU
[466 KB]
- Sentinel Surveillance and Special Surveillance of WGS of SARS-Cov-2 : Haryana State
[517 KB]
- Diseases Reported under IDSP
[84 KB]
- FETP Database from 2015-2019
[893 KB]
- Instructions regarding Surveillance for Rickettsial Diseases - Letter from DGHS to Principal Health Secreataries of All States/UTs
[324 KB]
- Letters to States/UTs
- Download Softwares
- State/Disease wise compiled outbreaks reported under IDSP
- List of FETP Trained till 31st March 2016
[88 KB]
- List of persons trained up to 31st March, 2015
- List of persons trained upto 31st March, 2014
- Grant in Aid to States
- Assessment Tools
- World Bank Documents
- NIPAH Virus Disease Guidelines